Watch antique bakery korean movie
Watch antique bakery korean movie

watch antique bakery korean movie

Running Gag: Chikage hitting his head on doorframes.Red Eyes, Take Warning: Jean when he snaps at Ono and even Tachibana in his flashbacks and in episode 11.It's actually how he introduces himself to Ono and Eiji. Punny Name: Chikage "kage" meaning shadow, the joke being that he follows Tachibana everywhere.Through some tribulations, including Ono cheating on Chikage, they decide to stay together. Official Couple: In the doujins, Ono and Chikage end up in a relationship.The Glasses Come Off: Chikage when he stops Jean from breaking Ono's fingers.

#Watch antique bakery korean movie series

  • Genre Shift: A very subtle one, but at the end of the series Antique Bakery gets some detective/thriller-ish overtones as the police begins to believe that the same man who kidnapped Tachibana when he was a kid has resurfaced and is now kidnapping and killing kids, while also buying cakes from Antique.
  • He sneers at Keiichiro's attempt at speaking French, was a harsh tutor to Ono and is an abusive lover.

    watch antique bakery korean movie

    French Jerk: Jean, a pâtissier from France.The waitstaff, thankfully, don't manage the snooty part of the stereotype. French Cuisine Is Haughty: The titular cake shop has a menu entirely in French to evoke this idea, the head pâtissière learned his trade and title in France, and the apprentice goes to France for advanced cuisine instruction.Even the Guys Want Him: Ono has a reputation as a "Gay of Demonic Charm," and has been fired multiple times for (sometimes accidentally) charming his straight coworkers and bosses.

    Watch antique bakery korean movie